• Last modified 2343 days ago (Sept. 13, 2018)


Lincolnville Octoberfest to feature pet pageant

Staff writer

Want to know how your pet stacks up against other people’s pets? Bring them to Lincolnville’s Octoberfest on Oct. 6.

The pet show will begin at 1:15 p.m. in the park. Prizes will be awarded for best trick, best costume, unique pet, largest, smallest, cutest, and “a face only a mother could love.”

The contest will end with a “best of show” and a people’s choice picked by the audience.

Another new event is an appetizer contest. Appetizers will be sampled and judged during the 8 p.m. to midnight dance.

‘Small Town Saturday Night’

“Small Town Saturday Night” will actually begin in the morning as Centre High School sophomores arrive early to prepare a 7 a.m. breakfast in the community building.

An 8 a.m. fun run sponsored by Centre cheerleaders and an 11 a.m. parade on Main Street will be among other morning highlights.

Musical entertainment

Onstage musical entertainment will include Maurice Pritz at 9:30 a.m., Rustic Cross Christian bluegrass band at noon, singer/guitarist Tammy Crosby at 2:15 p.m., and the Box Turtles band at 4 p.m.

A farmers’ market will be available on Newton Street between the bank and the former Tiemeier’s Store.

A medallion hunt, corn hole tournament, horseshoe tournament, hourly drawings, inflatables, and vendors will be part of the day’s activities. A beer garden will open at 4 p.m. outside the community building.

The Octoberfest committee is selling raffle tickets. Prizes are a couple’s retreat, golf package, and family fun weekend. Drawings will be at 5 p.m. at Octoberfest.

Questions can be directed to Cristina Peterson at (785) 561-0144, Barbara Kaiser at (620) 654-7142, or Lincolnville City Building at (620) 924-5208.

Last modified Sept. 13, 2018