• Last modified 1784 days ago (March 19, 2020)


to the editor

Letters generally should be no longer than 400 words, refer to a specific article that appeared in the past month, and include the writer’s address and phone number. Letters that contain defamatory comments, open letters, third-party letters, letters sent to more than one publication, and letters that would more appropriately be advertisements, including Cards of Thanks, are unlikely to be finished. One letter is allowed per writer per calendar month.

Street hazards

To the editor:

I read the article about the concern of use of the crosswalks and the need for signs and painted lines on the streets. I share the concern as well, for, maybe, a different reason.

I am writing this without going back to the article to see whether the victim of the accident was walking or riding. I say this because I have always believed the word crosswalk or sidewalk was for the user to know he or she would be walking in this area.

The street, to me, means the user was to be a responsible person using a mobilized form of transportation. Which, again, means that I, as driver of the vehicle, or motorized or not, with two or more wheels, should be capable to stop safely to yield to traffic or someone using the crosswalks or any traffic signs such as the yield or warning traffic sign.

I hope this means, also, that the “defensive” driver is watching for someone who might not be doing likewise, or using the rules of the traffic signs, including if they should be yielding for me, or if the person decides to cross on foot where no crosswalk is indicated.

I believe that might be called “jaywalking?”

It might, also, be me walking in the street where I might feel the sidewalk, for whatever reason, is unsafe, but know, full well, of the danger I am causing for myself, or a driver of a car.

Anyway, as a parent, law enforcement person, or concerned individual, if a youth is using a crosswalk or sidewalk, that means the youth will be on foot walking the bike, and we, maybe, would point out the danger of not walking across or being very careful of the other person that might cause me danger.

Mary Olson

Last modified March 19, 2020