• Last modified 981 days ago (July 7, 2022)


School firing

To the editor:

As a previous member of the school board of the Marion-Florence school district and having worked in public schools for 15 years, I would like to comment on last week’s article about the superintendent.

I was on the school board for four of the five years that Mr. Homburg was the superintendent.

In my opinion, he did an excellent job. He was forward-thinking and knew what the big picture should be and planned for that. He brought the school district through the pandemic with very few deaths. He always was aware of his job function and performed it well. He had high ethics and would not steal from the district.

The drama about the sheriff being at the building when he picked up his things was unnecessary. It is a shame that this has happened to him as he did not deserve it. I supported him then and I continue to support him now.

Katherine Young, Marion

Last modified July 7, 2022