• Last modified 2430 days ago (June 21, 2018)


Judge seeks court technology upgrade

Staff writer

District Judge Michael Powers made a pitch to county commissioners Monday for upgrading the court’s media system.

Old equipment used to display photo and video evidence and to conduct video conversations with experts as far away as Larned is in need of replacement, Powers said.

A proposed new system, which would include a VCR, DVD player, and connections to a computer, would make hearings smoother, county attorney Courtney Boehm said.

A system now in use has to be borrowed from Geary County and has cords running across the floor, Boehm said.

Powers said the county bar association had pledged $10,000 toward the equipment and he plans to take $12,000 from the court’s technology fund. He asked commissioners for $15,000 toward the system.

Powers included the money for the system in his 2019 budget request of $136,000 but told commissioners he’d like to get the $15,000 earlier if he can.

Commissioners didn’t make any decision.

Last modified June 21, 2018