• Last modified 2337 days ago (Sept. 19, 2018)


Judge nominations sought

Geary County, a part of the 8th Judicial District that includes Marion County, has a judge vacancy created by the retirement of judge Maritza Segarra.

A nominating commission is seeking nominations to fill the vacancy.

Nominees must be at least 30 years old; have practiced at least five years as a lawyer, judge, or full-time teacher at a Kansas law school; and a resident of Dickinson, Geary, Marion, or Morris counties.

Candidates can apply or be nominated, but nominations must come on a signed nomination form.

Nomination forms are available from the 8th Judicial District court administrator in Junction City, district court clerk Jan Helmer in Marion, or a court clerk in one of the other three counties in the district.

Nomination forms also are available on the Kansas judicial branch website at, under “What’s New.”

One original and nine copies of the completed nomination form and supporting letters must be submitted by noon Oct. 10 to Edwin Wheeler Jr., commission secretary, 801 N. Washington, Suite D, Junction City, KS 66441.

The nominating commission will interview nominees Oct. 29. Interviews are open to the public.

After interviews, the commission will forward three to five names to the governor, who will appoint a judge within 60 days.

After serving a year in office, the new judge must stand for a retention vote in the next general election. If retained, he or she will serve a four-year term.

Last modified Sept. 19, 2018