• Last modified 2297 days ago (Oct. 24, 2018)


Intern starts writing career

News editor

Cassandra Stinger, a homeschooled senior from Peabody, has joined Marion County Record staff of writers to get her feet wet in the journalism world.

Cassie wants to be an investigative reporter “when she grows up,” but before she can get to that level, she’ll need to learn basic news writing including human interest stories.

“I want to be an investigative reporter for two reasons,” Cassie said. “One is to satisfy my love of writing and my need for adventure. Two, because investigative reporters are the ones who dig until they find the truth. Then they take that truth and inform the world of what is really going on behind closed doors.”

Record reporters write all news styles but they have story types in which they excel such as human interest, hard news, police beat, and meeting coverage. Cassie will benefit from the many years of professional writing these reporters have logged.

“This internship is a way for me to learn the craft,” Cassie said. “The skills I learn here will carry over into my career later on.”

Most of Cassie’s assignments will be covering news from the Peabody, Burns, and Florence communities.

Last modified Oct. 24, 2018