• Last modified 1218 days ago (June 24, 2021)


Inmate cuts wrist

Staff writer

Tanner Jasper, 21, a county jail inmate, was taken to St. Luke Hospital at 8:43 p.m. Monday after he cut his wrist with a piece of metal in his cell.

The injury was not life threatening or serious, but did require stitches, sheriff Rob Craft said.

Jasper injured himself with the small piece of metal and then disposed of it, Craft said.

“He flushed it immediately after cutting himself,” said Craft. “The piece of metal had to be small.”

Other inmates alerted jailers when they noticed Jasper was bleeding.

Staff members put pressure on the wounds with gauze, and a deputy sheriff transported Jasper to St. Luke, where staff of Prairie View conducted a psychiatric evaluation.

He was transported to Larned State Hospital about 3 a.m. Tuesday, Craft said.

Jasper has been a frequent inmate for drug charges and violations of his probation.

“We’ve had multiple contacts with him these past two years,” Craft said.

His latest arrest June 15 by Hillsboro police was on suspicion of criminal, threat, disorderly conduct, and interference with law enforcement.

Last modified June 24, 2021