Hospital auxiliary hears from FACT
Ashley Gann, director of Families and Communities Together, gave the program at the Nov. 1 meeting of St. Luke Hospital Auxiliary Unit.
FACT is a nonprofit organization serving families with children in Marion County. A family can receive up to $150 per year for help with utility bills, gas for vehicles, and other needs.
FACT works with substance abuse prevention. Gann shared results of student surveys about substances used, how often, how they get it, and where they use it. Marion County data is compared with state data.
FACT sponsors a prescription drug take-back day. Police body cameras and educational materials were purchased with special alcohol tax funds. FACT is working on a grant for funding new breathalyzers for counselors.
St. Luke Auxiliary Shoppe’s gross sales in September were $11,961.94. Interest earned was $182.
Expenses included $19,523.59 for Living Center remodeling, $1,250 for scholarships, and $2,397 for St. Luke Clinic pediatric room equipment and decorating.
Shoppe proceeds for October were $9,195.67.
Volunteers worked 1,487 hours.
Jeremy Ensey, hospital CEO, said the price of remodeling the Living Center has been agreed and is being reviewed by attorneys to get work started.
New physicians Randy Whitely and Todd Brown are seeing patients.
Two additional physicians, back surgeon Girard Librodo, and orthopedic surgeon Vikrant Azad, from Flint Hills Orthopedics in El Dorado, will see patients at an office in the clinic twice a month.
St. Luke Hospital and Hillsboro Medical Center hosted the health fair Nov. 3 in Hillsboro.
The Foundation Benefit Gala had a good turnout. Campaign contributions may exceed $1 million this year.
The next meeting will be 9:30 a.m. Dec. 6 in the basement of St. Luke Clinic. Audiologist Katie Zogleman will give the program. There will be a surprise for attendees.
The Annual Dinner will be Jan. 18.
Last modified Nov. 29, 2018