• Last modified 1381 days ago (Dec. 9, 2020)


Life on the farm

Home in time for Christmas

Staff writer

I often take a walk through a grassy meadow across from my house to a grove of trees that the landowner planted along a creek. He keeps the area mowed, so it’s fun to go down there and walk around.

I set out on my walk last Wednesday and soon discovered that my three young kittens and two adult cats were following me. They stayed with me the whole time, but when I started back, my little orange kitten got lost in the tall grass and I couldn’t find her.

I called her and searched all around but finally had to give up and go home. I even drove back down there an hour later to look again but didn’t find her. I felt really badly about losing her. She was so cute, and I figured she would be eaten by a coyote or some other wild critter.

Then, three days later, I went out at 8 a.m. to unplug heaters in two pump houses. That’s when I heard a cat meowing.

I followed the sound and, lo and behold, the kitten emerged from behind a building! I couldn’t believe it! How could she have survived for three nights and found her way back to the farm?

I took her into the house, where she was reunited with Fluffy, the mother cat.

You never saw such a happy kitten in your whole life! She about smothered her mother, cozying up to her for five minutes. Fluffy licked her and welcomed her back. The mother cat was overwhelmed.

My story has a happy ending. The kitten was lost and found and home for Christmas. I am glad.

Last modified Dec. 9, 2020