• Last modified 2457 days ago (May 24, 2018)


Holiday weekend home to long-standing tradition

Staff writer

As many gear up for Memorial Day weekend celebrations, Pat Hunnell is no exception as she prepares for a another year of a tradition that spans back 20 years.

Peabody High School alumni will gather Saturday on Hunnell’s front lawn to catch up with classmates as they enjoy cookies and tea.

Hunnell said that the tradition started with a couple who was renting the home where she now lives.

“When James and Carmen South moved into the house and started renting from my sister, they thought ‘Why don’t we have some friends stop by,”’ she said. “We start at five and I generally start to run them off around 10 or 11.”

Usually, whichever class is having a milestone makes it a part of their Memorial Day weekend events, she said.

Hunnell explained that it was even part of the rental agreement in the past that those who rent her sister’s house had to keep the annual alumni gathering afloat.

“It’s special because it is alumni, not just people off the street,” she said. “There’s always somebody that shows up that you haven’t seen for years. We catch up on how everyone is doing and who has passed away.”

Last modified May 24, 2018