police report
May 15: Officers attended domestic violence training. Suspicious activity was reported in the 200 block of South Lincoln Street. Someone reportedly entered a dormitory room in the 400 block of South Jefferson Street and took a laptop computer. A report of smoke was checked in the 300 block of South Birch Street.
May 16: A traffic complaint was checked in the 700 block of East A Street. A welfare check was conducted in the 600 block of South Lincoln Street. An officer taught a D.A.R.E. class at Hillsboro Elementary School. A suicidal person was reported in the 400 block of North Ash Street. Wichita police received assistance with an investigation. An individual was reported selling items without a peddler’s permit. A person receiving treatment for a dog bite was reported at Hillsboro Community Hospital. An individual was fingerprinted for employment purposes. A bicycle was claimed that had been recovered several months ago.
May 17: An insurance company received assistance with a fraud investigation. A second theft of a laptop computer was reported in a dorm room in the 400 block of South Jefferson Street. Someone locked their keys in their vehicle in the 300 block of North Main Street. Officers assisted with security at Tabor College. A prowler complaint was checked in the 300 block of South Wilson Street.
May 18: A skunk was reported under a deck in the 600 block of West B Street. Officers participated in firearms training. A parking complaint was checked at Ash and D streets.
Thursday: Officers assisted with security at Tabor College. A federal agent received assistance with a background investigation. A parking complaint in the 400 block of South Main Street was checked. A motorist received assistance in the 400 block of North Ash Street.
Friday: A sheriff’s deputy received assistance with a traffic accident investigation. Tabor College reported someone had entered a maintenance shed, removed vehicles, and left them on campus; authorities also reported that someone had piled dirt on a statue on campus. Tabor College reported that someone had gained entry into the athletic building. As of the date of this report, nothing had been reported missing. Officers assisted with locating a missing child who had not returned from school. An individual in the 100 block of North Birch Street reported he was concerned that someone might try to kill him. Another individual in the 400 block of North Ash Street reported he believed drug dealers had tapped his phone.
Saturday: An individual reported that she was concerned because the world was supposed to end Friday and did not. Subject requested to talk to an officer about the matter. Assistance was provided to a sheriff’s deputy with an aggravated assault call.