• Last modified 2274 days ago (Nov. 20, 2018)


Hillsboro hospital sued again

Staff writer

Hillsboro Community Hospital is being sued for the second time in a year.

Hutchinson-based Mobile Cardiac Care, LLC, filed a lawsuit Nov. 13 seeking $29,280 from HCH.

That amount is $16,780 in unpaid fees between April 30 and Aug. 17, and $12,500 for violating the contract by hiring an employee away from MCC.

MCC also seeks interest on the unpaid amounts and costs of the lawsuit.

MCC provides hospitals and clinics with ultrasound equipment and qualified technicians, or qualified technicians to hospitals that own their own equipment but don’t have someone qualified to operate it.

The same month MCC claims HCH stopped making complete payments to it, HCH and four other hospitals owned by CAH Acquisition Company No. 5, based in North Kansas City, Missouri, agreed to pay $113,500 to a collection agency that sued the hospitals on behalf of medical supply company McKeeson Medical Surgical.

McKeeson sued in November 2017 over allegedly unpaid accounts. Under the terms of the settlement, the money was to be paid in five monthly installments of $22,700 beginning June 6.

On Sept. 13, Central National Bank was served a garnishment order for $118,741.06 allegedly still owed to McKeeson.

On Oct. 9, the bank was ordered to pay $2,557.21 to the collection agency.

Michael Smith, the lawyer who filed the lawsuit on behalf of MCC, declined to comment.

Last modified Nov. 20, 2018