• Last modified 2238 days ago (Dec. 29, 2018)


Hillsboro cheer camp dates set

Hillsboro High School is holding its fourth annual cheer clinic for boys and girls from kindergarten through sixth grade 3:45-4:45 p.m. Jan. 22-24.

The camp will be in the elementary gymnasium, with Hillsboro varsity cheerleaders leading the program.

The cost is $15 per person. Registration deadline is Jan. 18.

The group will perform Jan. 25 at halftime of the Hillsboro boys’ varsity basketball game. Participants should arrive at the high school’s commissary by the end of the first quarter.

More all-state honors for Hillsboro football

Post-season honors continue to roll in for Hillsboro High School football players.

Senior offensive lineman Wes Shaw, wide receiver Darian Ratzlaff, and linebacker Brooks Gardner were named in December to the Kansas Football Coaches Association’s all-state team for Class 1A.

As previously reported, Shaw also was first team on the Topeka Capital-Journal and Wichita Eagle all-state teams for Class 1A.

Ratzlaff and Gardner were honorable mention on those teams along with quarterback Jorge Hanschu on the Capital-Journal team.

Last modified Dec. 29, 2018