HAPPY HUSTLERS: Happy Hustlers
Happy Hustlers
Club — red, club banner.
Alexandra Carlson, grade 2 — champion beginner non-perishable food and purple; 2 blues, beginner crafts; blue, non-perishable food.
Anna Carlson, kindergarten — green, Cloverbuds exhibit.
Maria Carlson, grade 4 — purples, non-perishable food and exploring 4-H exhibit; 2 blues, beginner color photo; blue, non-perishable food.
Abree Ensey, grade 3 — reserve grand champion halter horse, champion mare, and 1st purple; 1st purples, trail horsemanship and pole bending; two 1st blues, both in western horsemanship; 2nd blue, barrel racing; blue, beginner black-and-white photo; red, beginner color photo
Paige Ensey, grade 6 — grand champion poultry and purple, standard breeds large fowl; reserve champion stock-type mare and 2nd purple, senior halter filly or mare; reserve champion intermediate color photo and purple; 2nd blues, western horsemanship, western pleasure horsemanship, trail horsemanship, and pole bending; 3rd blue, barrel racing; blue, beginner black-and-white photo; 2 reds, large poultry fowl; red, normal colored rabbit; 2 whites, large standard breed fowl.
Payton Harms, grade 12 — champion angus heifer and 1st blue, senior breeding heifer calf; champion red angus heifer and 1st blue, senior breeding yearling heifer.
Charlotte James, grade 7 — reserve grand champion dog, champion intermediate dog showman, and blue; reserve champion intermediate rabbit showmanship and purple; reserve champion dog obedience and blue; blues, non-perishable food and senior buck rabbit; reds, beginning pre-agility for dog on lead, knitting, and colored rex rabbit.
Jessica Klumpe — reserve champion prospect market hog and 2nd blue; reserve champion senior swine showman and 2nd blue; 2nd blue, market crossbred lamb; 3rd blue, crossbred market hog; 5th blue, senior sheep showmanship.
Dylan Kraus, grade 3 — purple, beginner color photo; blues, non-perishable food and beginner color photo; red, beginner color photo.
Ryder Kraus, grade 2 — purple, beginner color photo; 2 blues, non-perishable food; blue, beginner color photo; red, beginner color photo.
Taryn Kraus, grade 5 — purple, beginner color photo; 2 blues, beginner color photo; red, beginner color photo.
Cassandra Meyer, grade 10 — champion display and purple; champion intermediate color photo and purple; champion senior non-perishable food and purple; purple, purchased style revue; blues, pickles, fermented foods, relishes, and chutney and intermediate color photo; 3 reds, intermediate color photo; 2 reds, non-perishable food;
Corin Parmley, grade 12 — grand champion sheep showman, champion senior sheep showman, and 1st blue; reserve grand champion goat showman, reserve champion senior goat showman, and 2nd blue; champion southdown market lamb and 1st blue; champion spotted poland china breeding gilt and 1st blue; reserve champion crossbred market hog and 1st blue; reserve champion natural color market lamb and 2nd blue; reserve champion yorkshire market hog and 2nd blue; 2nd blues, market meat wether or doe goat and breeding hampshire yearling ewe; 3rd blues, breeding crossbred ewe lamb and senior swine showmanship.
Jaxon Salsbury, grade 4 — purple, junior Legos; 2 blues, junior Legos; blue, non-perishable food.
Ryker Salsbury, grade 2 — champion novice dog showman and purple; 2 purples, beginner Legos; reds, pre-novice dog obedience and beginning pre-agility for dog on lead.
Noah Schmidt, grade 3 — purple, exploring 4-H exhibit; blues, bucket calf and exploring 4-H exhibit.
Ruby Schmidt, kindergarten — reserve champion beginner non-perishable food and purple; 3 blues, non-perishable food; blues, beginner fine arts and exploring 4-H exhibit.
Colt Smith, grade 3 — champion commercial heifer and 1st blue, senior breeding heifer calf; champion crossbred breeding gilt and 1st blue; reserve champion duroc market hog and 2nd blue; reserve champion junior beef showman and 2nd blue; reserve champion junior swine showman and 2nd blue; 3rd blue, prospect market hog; 4th blue, crossbred breeding gilt; 5th blue, crossbred market hog; blue, bucket calf (2nd year)
Lane Smith, grade 5 — champion hampshire breeding gilt and 1st blue; reserve champion intermediate swine showman and 2nd blue; reserve champion red angus heifer and 2nd blue, senior breeding heifer calf; 2nd blue, crossbred market hog; 3rd blues, senior breeding heifer calf and crossbred breeding gilt; 4th blue, intermediate beef showmanship; 1st red, crossbred market hog.
Calleigh Soyez, grade 6 — grand champion market lamb, champion crossbred market lamb, and 1st blue, grand champion breeding ewe; reserve grand champion breeding ewe and 1st blue, breeding hampshire ewe; reserve champion intermediate sheep showman and 2nd blue; 1st blue, breeding crossbred ewe; 3rd blue, market hampshire lamb; 2 blues, non-perishable food; red, non-perishable food.
Hitch Soyez, grade 3 — champion shropshire market lamb and 1st blue; reserve champion junior sheep showman and 2nd blue; 2nd blue, breeding hampshire ewe lamb; 4th blue, market natural lamb; 5th blue, market hampshire lamb.
Wyatt Soyez, grade 4 — champion junior sheep showman and 1st blue; 2nd blue, market hampshire lamb; 3rd blues, market natural lamb and market hampshire lamb; 4th blue, breeding crossbred ewe lamb; 4th blue, market crossbred lamb.
Shelby Summervill, grade 2 — reserve grand champion Legos, champion beginner Legos, and purple; champion beginner crafts and purple; champion junior rocket from kit and purple; reserve champion beginner crafts and purple; reserve champion beginner fine arts and purple; 2 purples, exploring 4-H exhibit; purples, beginner Legos and beginner crafts; blues, beginner fine arts, beginner crafts, and exploring 4-H exhibit.
Trent Summervill — green, Cloverbuds exhibit.
Lane Svoboda, grade 7 — grand champion horse showman, champion junior horse showman, and 1st purple; champion intermediate sheep showman and 1st blue; reserve champion hampshire market lamb and 1st blue; 1st purples, western horsemanship, trail horsemanship, western pleasure horsemanship, barrel racing, and pole bending; 2nd blue, senior halter gelding; 3rd blue, market crossbred lamb; 4th blue, market hampshire lamb.
Clayton Thomas — green, Cloverbuds exhibit.
Rylee Thomas, grade 2 — grand champion halter horse, champion gelding, and 1st purple; reserve champion novice horse showman and 1st blue; 2nd blues, western horsemanship, trail horsemanship, western pleasure horsemanship, and pole bending; blues, exploring 4-H exhibit and beginner fine arts; 3rd red, barrel racing.
Tristan Williams, grade 9 — reserve grand champion horse showman, champion senior horse showman, and 1st purple; reserve champion gelding and 1st purple, senior halter gelding; reserve champion senior non-perishable food and purple; 1st purples, trail miniature horsemanship, pole bending, and barrel racing; 2 purples, non-perishable food; 1st blues, senior halter filly or mare, trail horsemanship, and western pleasure horsemanship; 2nd blue, trail horsemanship; 3rd blue, senior halter gelding; blue, non-perishable food.
Johnny Zieammermann, grade 8 — red, club historian book.
Larry Zieammermann — red, club historian book.
Last modified Aug. 1, 2018