Happy Hustlers
Parents filled in for officers on Parents Night when Happy Hustlers 4-H Club met Feb. 6.
Joel Thomas was president. The flag salute and 4-H Pledge were led by Justin Groening and Libby Nelson. Twenty-eight members, five leaders, and 12 parents answered roll by naming a pet.
Amy Summervill reported that 98 tubes of lip balm were donated to Marion Elementary School. Parliamentarian Justin Groening taught members how to table a motion. The club voted to sell Texas Road House Rolls for a fundraiser.
Tina Groening led singing of “Happy Birthday” and “Row, Row, Row Your Boat.” Sophia Baxa spoke about grooming a horse, and Antonia Baxa demonstrated how to make gummy bears.
Recreation leader Megan Thomas presided over a Rock, Paper, Scissors tournament. Refreshments were served by the Groening and Vogel families.
The next meeting will be 7 p.m. Monday at Marion County Lake Hall.
— Tim Summervill
Last modified March 2, 2023