• Last modified 2389 days ago (Aug. 2, 2018)


Governor to visit Marion County

Staff writer

Governor Jeff Colyer and Lt. Governor Tracey Mann will be in Marion County Thursday as part of their 105 County Get Out the Vote tour.

They will be hosting at Hillsboro Industries, 220 Industrial Rd., from 4:15 to 4:45 p.m.

“Kansas Farm Bureau and the Kansas Livestock Association have been sponsoring this and basically helping us find areas where people would naturally be gathering at that time,” the governor’s press secretary Kara Fullmer said.

The open meetings could be held anywhere, from a coffee shop to the farm bureau office, she said.

Marion will be the 81st county visited, in a tour that began July 21, Fulmer said. The tour will finish in Saline County on Saturday.

“Unprecedented,” she said. “Congressional candidates have done it before, but it takes them about 30 days.”

Last modified Aug. 2, 2018