• Last modified 2244 days ago (Dec. 23, 2018)


GOESSEL: 2nd grade

seconD GRADE

Taught by Ann Hiebert

Dear Santa,

I am 7½. I live in Goessel, of course in the U.S.A. I am being as nice as I can! I am in second grade. A few of my wishes are: I would like a puppy, a real one. My mom said I could have a puppy. I would also like another stuffed animal duck. I just love, love, love ducks! They are just sooo cute! I already have about 18 ducks. I would also like a slime kit with glitter! Do you still have eight reindeer or did you get or tame some more? Did Mrs. Claus make cookies? If so, I will too! On Christmas I always thank you! When you gave me that giant monkey, I almost screamed out loud! Duck-Duck would like a stuffed-animal too! Because she also likes stuffed-animals (she is a stuffed-animal). Your friend,

Aubrielle Francis

Dear Santa,

I have been a good girl this year. I go to elementary school. Could you bring me Harry Potter stuff and a real ring with a Harry Potter wand on it? Does Mrs. Claus live with you? How are your reindeer? Your friend,

Maddie Olson

Dear Santa,

I live in Goessel now. The thing I want for Christmas is a Lego set, although my sister is going to help me build it. I’ve been four bads and 94 goods. I think I have two things to ask you. 1. How do you get from the North Pole to here? 2. How do you make magic for your reindeer? Your friend,


Dear Santa,

I have been good. Also, I am seven years old. I have two wishes for you. One is a toy phone and two is a toy Barbie camper. Why do you have a red suit? How did you get your name? Your friend,

Nivea Funk

Dear Santa,

I am seven years old. I have been very good. I wish for a Beanie Boo. I wish for a bike. How are the elves doing? How are the reindeer doing? Your friend,

Hoxie Hiebert

Dear Santa,

I have been very good this year. I had fun this year. I want some Squishies for Christmas. For Christmas I want new shoes. How did you get the name Santa? How old are you? Your friend,


Dear Santa,

My favorite things to do are sports and gymnastics, and I am the second oldest in my family. I want a big lollipop and a karaoke machine. Your friend,

Isabella O’Neill

Dear Santa,

I’m seven years old. I have four siblings, counting me of course. Why do people call you Santa or jolly old St. Nicholas? How old are you? Do you put magic in snickerdoodles or do they get magic from themselves? Could you bring me lots of Squishies? I wish for a skateboard and other stuff too! Your friend,

Ellarose Gaeddert

Dear Santa,

I am eight. I go to Goessel Elementary. I want two tiny kittens. I wish for a skateboard for Christmas. How can you travel around the world in one night? How can the reindeer fly? Your friend,


Dear Santa,

I wish for a dog and a cat. I like pizza and cars. Do you like pizza and school? Your friend,

Jessica Jean James

Dear Santa,

I have been good. I have played with Austin very well. I would like a dirtbike. I would like a set of Pokémon cards. I was wondering how the reindeer are doing? I was also wondering how many elves you have and how many toys they make a day? Your friend,

Cole Rogers

Dear Santa,

I’m good at being friends with people. I like my cats. I want a real reindeer that flies that lets me sit on it. I also want a toy kitty. How do you deliver presents in one night? How do your reindeer fly? Your friend,

Eli Unruh

Dear Santa,

I love sports! Baseball is my favorite sport. I wish for a baby St. Bernard. And a super big sting ray. Where do you get all your stuff for toys? What is your favorite sport. Your friend,


Dear Santa,

May I have a snow cone maker? May I also have a cotton candy maker? I am seven years old. I like to play with my sister. What is your real name? How old are you? Your friend,

Sofia Flores

Dear Santa,

Two days before Christmas is my birthday. I’m the second oldest in my family. I wish for a Hatchimal. I wish for a volleyball. How many elves do you have? How many presents do you deliver each year? Your friend,

Sophia Abrahams

Dear Santa,

I do love pizza! I’d love a kickball. I would like a robot and a kicking robot. How many reindeer do you have? How do your elves work together? Your friend,


Dear Santa,

I am seven. I really want a bike without training wheels. I also want a robot cat, robot dog, Harry Potter stuff and some more Barbies. How old are you? How old is your wife? Your friend,


Dear Santa,

I would like a mini motorcycle. I also want a new bike. I am seven. I like to play soccer. How do your reindeer fly? How do elves make presents? Your friend,

Noah Johnson

Dear Santa,

I’m seven years old. I’m good at being friends with people. You are kind with people. Can you get me a baby horse? I also want a Squishy horse. How do you deliver presents in one night? I love my family! Your friend,

Brooklynne Klassen

Dear Santa,

I like to play games with my family. I like to play sports. I wish I could get magnetic putty. Another thing I wish for is a scooter. How big are your reindeer? Do you get tired after all the work you do? Your friend,

Gage Valdois

Dear Santa,

My mom says I have been good this year. I am seven and I live in, well close to, Goessel. I want a microscope and a toy little hamster, and a cage for it. I want it to be able to respond to me in 100 different ways, and that’s all for the presents. How is Mrs. Claus? How do you travel around the world? Unfortunately, I have to go! Your friend,

Ruby Shaver

Last modified Dec. 23, 2018