• Last modified 1979 days ago (Sept. 12, 2019)


Gas leaks found at Peabody

15 leaks found in city hall

Staff writer

Peabody city clerk Jylle Wilson was shocked to learn the city hall’s pipes had 15 gas leaks.

“We’re very lucky girls to be alive,” she said.

The lack of any odor meant they couldn’t have been that serious, councilman Steve Rose said Monday at Peabody’s city council meeting.

“If it was really serious, they would have smelled it,” he said. “When I went out my back door, I used to smell gas leaking because there was a pipe leaking at my house.”

Wilson said she was knew there were leaks, but became concerned when the smell became stronger.

She called Atmos Energy, and a plumber, who told her about the extent of the leaks.

Having gas leaks is no surprise because of the building’s age, Rose said.

“It’s all old stuff under there,” he said.

Following a pair of executive sessions, the council decided to increase pay for part-time public works employee Bob Kyle, effective immediately, and selected Larry Larson as interim public works director.

Having Larson fill the position gives Peabody a public face for its public works department until the position is filled permanently, Rose said.

“It shows that we have somebody people can call and work with for now,” he said.

Last modified Sept. 12, 2019