• Last modified 2426 days ago (June 21, 2018)


Garden is therapy for business owner

Staff writer

Having a backyard garden provides a place to unwind and relax for business owner Wendy Youk of Marion.

The owner of Aunt Bee’s has a garden full of antiques, birdhouses, birdbaths, spinning wheels, and flowers. It’s almost too much to describe. She calls it her junk garden.

“Every year I add a little bit more,” she said. “It’s therapy. I come out here every morning and evening and spend time out here on weekends.”

Large trees shade the garden early, and Youk enjoys sitting and watching hummingbirds buzz from flower to flower.

With her garden near a dry creek bed with lots of trees, Youk focuses on plants that deer don’t eat, such as those with fuzzy leaves or a fragrance. Foot-square brick tiles provide walkways through the foliage.

This spring was the first time that she lost some plants. She attributes it to the dry winter.

At the end of the growing season, Youk gathers the antiques and stores them for the winter. One is a marker that was placed at her father’s grave before a tombstone was set in place. wherever she places it, Youk said, plants grow tall around it.

“Dad taught me to garden, and I’d like to think he’s helping me,” she said.

Her father was the late Irvin Brunner of Ramona.

Last modified June 21, 2018