• Last modified 2447 days ago (May 31, 2018)


From camel teeth to glass eyes, store sells it all

Staff writer

“The weirder the better,” appears to be a common theme at Flint Hills Gypsies in downtown Peabody.

As soft music fills the air, people from near and far peruse a store that has a niche for oddities.

Because there’s such a variety of eclectic vintage merchandise, almost any personality can discover something that catches their eye.

“I just love this place because it has my kind of stuff,” frequent patron Sharon Pickens said, as she was picking up an antique decorative tier for her daughter. “I love bringing people in here. There’s just so much stuff to show them. I never have a problem shopping here.”

Morgan Marler, owner and operator of Flint Hills Gypsies, has made it her life’s mission searching outlets for vintage pieces that cover a broad spectrum.

She opened the store in 2010 and scours other shops and auctions for objet d’art, and even brings back treasures like bright patterned scarves from her travels to Romania.

As employee Ann Leppke dusts and puts new merchandise on shelves, she recollects a piece that appeared to stand out against other odds’ n’ ends throughout the store.

“There was an old perfume canister made of camel’s testicles,” she said. “I wondered who in the world would need something like that. But someone came in and bought it.”

Leppke said she’s learned that you never know what pieces will attract various personalities.

Patrons who looked pretty straight-laced have surprised her with what they bought.

“A biker dude will come in and buy antique kitchen stuff,” she said.

Someone recently purchased a kangaroo pellet among other items.

Customers come from all over, said employee Deanna Baker.

Flint Hills Gypsies offers not only an array of oddities, but also items that can be repurposed as well.

“I like using stuff to turn into something else,” she said. “I took one of the old suitcases in the back home and turned it into a sewing table.”

In addition to more common items like humorous greeting cards and tea towels, this cozy little hole-in-the-wall also offers camel teeth, mannequin heads, glass eyes, and handmade elk figurines made out of leather.


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“I’m surprised by all the vintage clothing we sell,” Leppke said. “When I was working one day, a women came in and bought a dress, shoes, and a little purse to match. It was so cute.”

Filled with funky treasures, the store is open from 1 to 5 p.m. Fridays, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturdays, and to 5 p.m. Sundays.

The store is also pet friendly, and while most antique store owners would frown at small children playing with merchandise, Marler has signs posted throughout encouraging anybody to explore the store and examine anything that looks interesting.

“You will find anything and everything,” Baker said. “things you didn’t even know you needed.”

Last modified May 31, 2018