• Last modified 2073 days ago (June 5, 2019)


Free shots can prevent flood-related illness

Floodwaters may have receded, but the threat posed by them has not gone away.

Free tetanus vaccinations for those exposed to potentially contaminated water during recent flooding are being made available though the county health department.

Anyone exposed is being urged to check his or her immunization records for a vaccination labeled DTap, Tdap, or Td within the past eight years.

Anyone exposed and not vaccinated during that period qualifies for a free Tdap vaccination that can prevent a serious and sometimes fatal condition.

People injured during flooding are being urged to check with their physicians and possibly be re-vaccinated even if their last immunization was only two to five years ago.

Those qualified for one of 60 vaccination doses provided by the state may schedule appointments to receive their vaccination by calling the county health department at (620) 382-2550.

Last modified June 5, 2019