• Last modified 2042 days ago (July 11, 2019)


Fourth festival experiences problems with toilets as usual

A fleet of port-a-potties couldn’t save the Peabody City Park bathrooms during Thursday’s Independence Day festivities.

However, Peabody Fourth Fest’s planning committee has dealt with the problem for two decades.

“It was very expected,” committee member Jay Gfeller said. “It’s happened every time for the last 20 years.”

In addition to the park’s bathrooms, there were more than a dozen port-a-potties available, as well as a handicap accessible one.

Peabody police chief Bruce Burk reported that “the pit was full” between 8 and 8:30 p.m., but Gfeller said he expected the bathrooms to close sooner.

“When you have 5,500 people it’s hard to have a restroom facility for everyone, but we try,” he said.

Last modified July 11, 2019