• Last modified 2418 days ago (July 3, 2018)


Fountains finally flowing at park

Staff writer

A torrent of fountain problems in Central Park seemed to subside Friday when the large fountain on the west side of the park began flowing again after a lengthy period of being dry.

Workers installed a new motor and pump and changed a fuse that feeds electricity to the pump.

Parks and recreation director Margo Yates said the deluge of fountain woes began before Chingawassa Days.

“First it was a pump, then it was a motor, now it’s a pump,” Yates said.

The larger fountain has had the most issues, Yates said.

A pump made in 1970 was the root of them, she said.

“They repaired the pump, then the motor went out, and now the pump is leaking, so they’ve got to fix the leak,” she said.

A smaller fountain east of the large one also had to have a failed pump repaired, Yates said.

Last modified July 3, 2018