• Last modified 2239 days ago (Dec. 29, 2018)


Florence stays within budget

Despite Florence City Council’s extensive deliberation over how much they could afford in water costs, they still ended 2018 in the black.

Money from several reserve funds had to be used to stay within the budget, but the council won’t have the final numbers until Florence’s scheduled audit in mid-January.

To avoid dipping into the reserves again, the council needs to determine the difference between spending on necessities and spending because they have the money, councilman Trayce Warner said.

“We spent more money this year than I ever spent in the 11 years prior,” she said. “I got ingrained in that mindset of Randy Mills’, that you put it there until you need it.”

Mayor Bob Gayle agreed, saying they have to put more money in next year to replenish.

Last modified Dec. 29, 2018