• Last modified 2329 days ago (Sept. 27, 2018)


Florence library news and notes

Thank you to everyone for the generous donations at our last fundraiser. We appreciate your support. We will divide the net profits with Florence Masonic Lodge.

Make plans to attend our Oct. 8 fundraiser. We will begin serving a pulled pork meal at 5 p.m. and divide the profits with the Florence Fire Department.

Hey kids! Mark your calendar. The library will be hosting “Halloween Fun” at 3 p.m. Oct. 26. School will be out that day so plan to come to the library for a fun time decorating pumpkins, and bobbing for apples. Halloween refreshments will be served.

Summer reading program winners who received $52 for reading 26 books with an author from each letter of the alphabet were Cadence Craig and Amy Gayle. Congratulations to them.

Others who received a certificate and Wendy’s coupon were Jacqueline Burhle, Ava Box, Gracie Mackey, Jordan Jones and Ella Mackey. Good job to all participants.

The library board is considering starting a “Friends of the Library” group. Anyone interested in joining, can let the librarian know.

There were 671 WIFI users for the month of August. The Manhattan Book Van was here on Sept. 25. Come in and check out the new books that have been added this month.

The community book club continues to add new members. They will meet at 5:30 p.m. Oct. 3rd. This month they are reading the “Kopp Sister’s Triology” by Amy Stewart. Everyone is welcome to attend.

Mayor Bob Gayle attended the North Central Kansas Library Association APPLE workshop at Manhattan on Friday. He was on a decision-making panel representing small town mayors.

Florence Public Library’s mission statement is “The library should be perceived as a neighborhood center, the town’s living room.” We strive to be an attractive, safe, comfortable, and welcoming place for members of the Florence community to meet, work, and interact with others.

Come visit our library with friends. We are always open for anyone that wants to come visit!

Last modified Sept. 27, 2018