• Last modified 2065 days ago (June 20, 2019)


Florence High featured in book

Staff writer

Robert Harris of Florence has contributed to the book, “Golden Rule Days: History and Recollections of 109 Closed Kansas High Schools,” written by James Kenyon of Iowa.

Kenyon said he made 12 trips to Kansas to visit all 105 counties and learn about at least one school in each county that was closed because of consolidation.

In Marion County, he chose Florence High and contacted Robert Harris, a 1958 graduate.

Why Florence, and why Harris?

“It depends on who answers the phone,” Kenyon said.

He spent four hours with Harris at Harvey House.

“The author is a wonderful guy,” Harris said. “He had a lot of stories to tell about school consolidations across the state.”

Harris had some harsh words about the Marion-Florence consolidation and the disruption it caused. He still has hard feelings about it. He said his memories of attending school at Florence were captured in 1½ pages of the book.

Florence alum Michael Robinson also contributed.

Kenyon grew up on a wheat and cattle farm near Nicodemus in western Kansas. He is a veterinarian and author of several other books.

“I’ve lived in Iowa 40 years,” he said, “but I’m a pure Sunflower. I still own some land in Kansas. I keep my roots in Kansas.”

His latest book is available for $24.95, including shipping and handling, from Meadowlark Books, P.O. Box 333, Emporia KS 66801 or on Amazon.

Last modified June 20, 2019