• Last modified 2432 days ago (June 21, 2018)


Florence alumni banquet draws 142

A total of 142 alumni, guests and teachers attended the 122nd annual Florence Alumni Banquet this year.

Classes of 1943 through 2018 were represented at the gathering, which was moved to the Marion VFW post May 26 because of a water leak at Florence gymnasium.

Classes celebrating every-fifth-year reunions received special recognition, and the 50th anniversary Class of 1968 was honored at the head table.

Mike Robinson from the class of 1967 was master of ceremonies. Krisde Robinson, recipient of the group’s 2017 scholarship, told about her first year in college.

Florence High School Alumni Association has awarded this year’s $1,000 scholarship to Corin Parmley.

VFW Post commander Reilly Reid from the class of 1965 served the meal.

Florence alumni first met May 25, 1896. The group is thought to have the oldest continuous alumni reunion in Kansas

The 123rd banquet is planned for May 25, 2019.

Last modified June 21, 2018