• Last modified 3681 days ago (March 27, 2014)


HOPE IN THE HEARTLAND:   Fixing the broken

Gracepoint Church, Peabody

One time I looked at a broken end table and said, “I think I can take that apart, and refinish it. It’ll be as good as new.”

And take it apart I did. Then, several times over the following months I looked at the pieces and wondered what I’d gotten myself into. Then I threw all the pieces away. After all, the world wasn’t going to miss one end table. Yep, the more I tried to fix it, the more it became obvious (to me and everyone else) that I had no idea what I was doing.

You may be doing a similar thing with your own soul. It’s broken, and each time you attempt to fix it, it gets even more broken. Enter Jesus, the cross, and the empty tomb.

The lesson we need to learn from this season of repentance and renewal is that we can’t fix ourselves any more than my old end table could fix itself (and I was of no help). Don’t feel alone in this because every person is in the same shape.

But Jesus came to restore the broken — to give new life — to recreate. Are you ready to trust Him with your soul?

Last modified March 27, 2014