Feeders promote bird watching
Staff writer
Putting out bird feeders and scattering feed on the ground is a good way to create a great bird-watching experience.
People who put out seed for birds are having a difficult time keeping up with the demand these days. On especially cold days, feeders filled in the morning are often empty by evening.
A yard with evergreen trees and various shrubs attracts many species, including woodpeckers, Bluejays, cardinals, sparrows, juncos, doves, and finches.
Some birds prefer to eat off the ground, others on raised platforms, and still others from enclosed hanging feeders.
Bigger hoppers accommodate larger species such as Bluejays and grackles. The perches on small hoppers are too small to allow large species to feed.
Tubular feeders with short perches and tight mesh sides are popular with finches.
Platform feeders are used by many species including juncos, doves, and sparrows.
Last modified Feb. 20, 2019