• Last modified 2083 days ago (May 30, 2019)


Farmers market begins Monday

Home-baked items and early produce will be available from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Monday along the west side of Walnut St. in downtown Peabody.

The town’s weekly farmers market will continue throughout the growing season.

“The best thing about having a farmers market stand is meeting the people of Peabody and seeing the ‘regulars’ that faithfully come every week,” market organizer Kaylyn Thiessen said. “I enjoy providing home baked goods to make it easier for those who don’t have the time but yet want that down-home fresh goodness.” As a fundraiser, Peabody Fall Festival Committee will serve meals on certain market days, starting June 10. nSeveral market days are open for church, school, or community groups to raise money by serving meals. More information is available from Thiessen at (620) 983-2731.

Vendor Doris Unruh uses the market to share her passion for growing fruits and vegetables.

“Most days at market I spend more time explaining how I grow the produce than selling it!” she said. “Growing fruits and vegetables is hard work, especially in Kansas. The prices sometimes reflect that hard work.” Long-time vendor Marti Nellans also enjoys visiting with people she doesn’t ordinarily see outside of the market.

Some vendors will accept $5 vouchers, up to $30 total, given to income-qualified senior citizens via Marion County Department on Aging. More information is available from the department at (620) 382-3580.

Last modified May 30, 2019