• Last modified 2016 days ago (Aug. 8, 2019)


Farmers get low rate on federal payments

Staff writer

Marion County farmers will receive one of the lower rates of payment per acre under the new market facilitation program, according to information released by Kansas Farm Service Agency.

Payments are being made to assist farmers who are hit economically because of the trade wars with China and other countries. Sign-up is open through Dec. 6.

Marion County farmers will receive $45 per acre on crops planted in 2019. This compares to payment rates in surrounding counties of McPherson, $46; Chase, $58; Harvey, $47; and Dickinson, $57.

The largest rate of $71 per acre will go to producers in Doniphan County in extreme northeast Kansas. The lowest rate of $22 per acre will go to farmers in Harper County in south central Kansas.

Marion County FSA executive director Sara Morey said rates are determined through a long mathematical process used by the U.S. Department of Agriculture in Washington, District of Columbia.

“There’s no explanation for it that would make sense to us,” she said.

Farmers have been slowly coming in to sign up, Morey said. The first payments will be made in August for 50 percent of the acreage enrolled. Two other payments will be made in November and early January if the trade situation hasn’t changed.

Last modified Aug. 8, 2019