• Last modified 2351 days ago (Sept. 6, 2018)


EMS director submits resignation

Staff writer

Marion County is in need of a new director for Emergency Medical Services effective Sept. 20.

EMS director Ed Debesis gave the county commission his letter of resignation at Friday’s meeting and the board unanimously accepted.

Debesis previously resigned in March, then later rescinded his resignation.

“I think this has been more thought-out than before,” commissioner Randy Dallke said. “I want to say thank you. You’ve taken Marion County from disarray and put them in order.”

Debesis made significant changes to EMS since he started as full-time director in 2016. Almost immediately, he dealt with resignations and the service was in danger of being shut down by the state.

“When we get that letter and you’re sitting in this position, it’s a big decision, whether 12,000 other people know it or not,” Dallke said. “It goes to bed with you.”

The department’s changes brought major improvements and the gratitude of community members, commissioner Kent Becker said.

“You leave behind a good service,” he said. “That’s a pat on your back.

Commission chairman Dianne Novak wished Debesis and his family the best of luck.

Debesis said he is taking a position elsewhere, though the new employer was not named.

“If there’s anything I can do to help, just let me know,” Debesis said. “I’m just a phone call away.”

Asked for his thoughts later, Debesis declined comment.

Last modified Sept. 6, 2018