Broadcasts about these fire and ambulance calls were monitored this past week by the newspaper.
march 19
1:31 a.m. — A 98-year-old man with congestion at Parkside Home in Hillsboro was taken to Hillsboro Community Hospital by Hillsboro ambulance.
1:59 p.m. — Marion firefighters were called to Marion’s tree dump for a grass fire.
3:09 p.m. — A patient from St. Luke Hospital was taken by Marion ambulance to Newton Medical Center.
11:27 p.m. — A patient from HCH was taken by Hillsboro ambulance to McPherson Hospital.
march 20
8:17 a.m. — Burns, Florence, Marion, and Peabody firefighters and Peabody ambulance responded to a house fire near 60th and Quail Creek Rds.
2:44 p.m. — A 9-year-old with influenza at the St. Luke Clinic in Marion was taken by Marion ambulance to Wesley Medical Center in Wichita.
11:04 p.m. — Hillsboro firefighters responded to Tabor College Cedar Apartments for a fire alarm set off by the shower. No fire was found.
10:43 a.m. — A patient from St. Luke was taken by Marion ambulance to NMC.
11:41 a.m. — A patient from HCH was taken by Hillsboro ambulance to Kansas Heart Hospital in Wichita.
12:04 a.m. — Peabody firefighters were called to a fire near 60th and Nighthawk Rds. The fire was from a controlled burn earlier in the day.
3:35 p.m. — A 48-year-old having chest pains at Westview Manor in Peabody was taken to St. Luke by Peabody ambulance.
5:12 a.m. — An elderly man having issues catching his breath in the 300 block of S. Ash St., Hillsboro, refused to be taken to a hospital by Hillsboro ambulance.
6:24 a.m. — A 62-year-old man that had fallen in the 400 block of N. D St., Ramona, was taken to Herington Hospital by Tampa ambulance.
8:08 a.m. — A Goessel first responder and Hillsboro and Marion ambulance were called to Bethesda Home for a resident that was not breathing.
8:53 a.m. — A man with a wrist injury at Prairie Lane at the Marion County Lake was taken to St. Luke by Marion ambulance.
11:39 a.m. — A semi-driver on US-77 with tightness in his chest and difficulty breathing near 130th Rd. was taken to St. Luke by Marion ambulance.
2:45 p.m. — A patient from St. Luke was taken by Marion ambulance to NMC.
3:40 p.m. — A patient from HCH was taken by Hillsboro ambulance to NMC.
Last modified March 28, 2019