• Last modified 2423 days ago (June 20, 2018)



Broadcasts about these fire and ambulance calls were monitored this past week by the newspaper:


1:22 a.m. — Marion ambulance responded to a false alarm from a medical alerting device in the 100 block of Elm St. in Marion. The county’s emergency medical services director was one of the EMTs handling the call.

1:24 a.m. — A person injured in a domestic dispute in the 100 block of W. 7th St. in Florence was at the request of law enforcement officers taken to St. Luke Hospital, Marion, by Peabody ambulance. Florence ambulance, with just one EMT available, also answered the call as a first-responder unit.

3:33 a.m. — A 79-year-old man with low blood sugar in the 1000 block of Tanglewood St. in Marion declined to be taken to a hospital by Marion ambulance. The EMS director again was among those responding.

5:43 a.m. — A 70-year-old woman with high blood pressure at a home on Back Bay Court at Marion County Lake declined to be taken to a hospital by Marion ambulance and instead told ambulance attendants, including the EMS director, that she would go via private vehicle.

6:59 a.m. — A 78-year-old woman who fell out of bed and was lying on the floor for three hours at a house in the 500 block of N. Coble St. declined to be taken to a hospital by Marion ambulance, which had been summoned after another resident flagged down a Marion police officer passing by.

10:12 a.m. — At the request of his home health worker, a cardiac patient in the 300 block of S. Birch St. was taken to Newton Medical Center by Hillsboro ambulance.

11:08 a.m. — A St. Luke patient was transferred to Via Christi – St. Francis Hospital, Wichita, by the backup Marion ambulance.

12:28 p.m. — A woman having trouble breathing 100 block of S. Birch St. was taken to Hillsboro Community Hospital by Hillsboro ambulance.


11:50 a.m. — An 80-year-old woman who fell in a bathroom in the 100 block of N. Roosevelt St. in Marion was taken to St. Luke by Marion ambulance.

1:05 p.m. — A woman who collapsed and was unconscious at Kessler Kreations in Hillsboro was taken to HCH by Hillsboro ambulance.

3:18 p.m. — An HCH patient was transferred to Salina Regional Hospital by Hillboro ambulance.

3:31 p.m. — A St. Luke patient was transferred to Newton Medical Center by Marion ambulance.

4:26 p.m. — A 58-year-old man who fell after suffering chest pains at Westview Manor in Peabody was taken to Newton Medical by Peabody ambulance. Only one EMT from Peabody answered the page. A second EMT, the lone EMT on call in Florence, was paged to meet him at Westview.

4:44 p.m. — With the only EMTs from Florence and Peabody on the Westview Manor call and Marion and Hillsboro ambulances both at out-of-county hospitals, dispatchers asked Harvey County to supply ambulances for a multiple-injury two-vehicle accident midway between Peabody and Florence on US-50.

Peabody firefighters and rescue squad also were dispatched at 4:47 p.m. because one victim of the accident was reported trapped in one of the vehicles.

First on the scene was a sheriff’s deputy and a Peabody police officer, who arrived at 4:53 p.m. A second deputy arrived at 4:56 p.m., and the county’s emergency management director arrived at 4:59 p.m. The rescue squad arrived one minute later, which is when the first deputy announced that the entrapped victim had died.

A lone off-duty Florence EMT in Florence ambulance arrived at 5:02 p.m. Marion ambulance arrived at 5:06 p.m.

Florence firefighters reported to the US-50/77 roundabout at 5:10 p.m. to divert traffic, which was rerouted for 20 minutes through Marion via US-77 and Sunflower Rd.

State troopers arrived at 5:30 p.m. to take charge of the accident. The injured driver of the semi involved in the accident declined to be transported to a hospital. However, Marion ambulance remained on the scene until 7:06 p.m., and Peabody firefighters remained until 7:18 p.m.

The parents of the person killed in the accident apparently were on the scene and were notified of their daughter’s death by a sheriff’s deputy.

6:32 p.m. — An extinguished grease fire on a stove in an apartment in the 500 block of W. Grand St. in Hillsboro was checked by Hillsboro firefighters.

11:21 p.m. — A 86-year-old woman with a rapid heartbeat in the 300 block of W. 11th St. in Florence was taken to St. Luke by Marion ambulance. A lone Florence EMT also answered the call.


1:50 a.m. — A woman suffering chest pains at Westview Manor was taken to Newton Medical by Marion ambulance. A lone Peabody EMT also answered the call.

2:58 p.m. — A fire that damaged a combine and burned five acres of standing wheat near 40th and Upland Rds. was extinguished by Peabody firefighters, who initially sought help from Florence and Burns firefighters.

5:30 p.m. — Burns firefighters were contacted directly by a Butler County farmer with a baler on file.


4:23 a.m. — A grass fire along 220th Rd. between Jade and Kanza Rds. was largely extinguished in about an hour by Hillsboro firefighters.

5:51 a.m. — A St. Luke patient was transferred to Newton Medical by Marion ambulance.

8:21 a.m. — A 78-year-old woman who fell behind Zion Lutheran Church in Hillsboro was taken to Newton Medical by Hillsboro ambulance. Initially, the ambulance’s battery was dead so a Hillsboro EMT headed to the church in a private vehicle and was joined by Marion ambulance, which was dispatched instead. Hillsboro ambulance finally was started and arrived at the scene in time to transport the patient.

10:45 p.m. — A Westview Manor patient with an elevated heart rate was taken to Newton Medical by Peabody ambulance.

11:57 p.m. — A 55-year-old man having trouble breathing in the 300 block of Olive St. in Peabody was taken to Newton Medical by Marion ambulance. Both Marion ambulance and Peabody ambulance, returning from Newton, responded to the call.


9:39 a.m. — A woman who ingested half a dozen unknown prescription pills in the 400 block of N. Walnut St. in Peabody was taken to Newton Medical by Peabody ambulance. The ambulance original was headed to St. Luke but was diverted, apparently at the request of a Peabody physician.

7:06 p.m. — A 65-year-old man who was not feeling well in the 300 block of S. Ash St. in Hillsboro was taken to HCH by Hillsboro ambulance.


8:58 a.m. — Marion ambulance responded to a report of a death at a residence in the 400 block of S. Roosevelt St. in Marion.

9:22 a.m. — Hillsboro ambulance was dispatched to a second report of a death in Marion, this one in the 500 block of S. Cedar St.., but one of the two Marion EMTs went instead.

12:57 p.m. — Burning fajitas set off a false fire alarm at El Lorito Restaurant in Hillsboro.

1:02 p.m. — A 10-month-old girl choking at an apartment in the 700 block of N. Locust St. in Peabody was examined but not taken to a hospital by Florence ambulance. Marion ambulance briefly headed that way as well but canceled its response after learning that the girl was no longer choking.

7:37 p.m. — A 1-year-old boy having a seizure in the 200 block of N. Washington St. in Hillsboro was taken to Newton Medical by Hillsboro ambulance.


12:01 a.m. — A St. Luke patient was transferred to Wesley Woodlawn Hospital, Wichita, by Marion ambulance.

1:03 p.m. — An HCH patient was transferred to Kansas Heart Hospital, Wichita, by Hillsboro ambulance.

4:10 p.m. — An HCH patient was transferred to Newton Medical by Hillsboro ambulance.

Last modified June 20, 2018