• Last modified 2464 days ago (May 10, 2018)


Elementary students participate in field day

Staff writer

Cheers could be heard for several blocks surrounding the track Friday as peers and parents cheered on participants of Peabody Elementary School’s annual field day.

Students participated in a variety of events depending on grade, including an obstacle course, ball throw, and long jump for all students.

Kindergarten classes took part in a 50-yard dash and three-legged race while first through fifth graders raced to the finish line of a 100-meter dash and fourx100 meter relays.

Athletic director and physical education teacher Tyson Kendrick presented ribbons to the top three competitors in each event classified by grade along with participation ribbons during an award assembly Friday afternoon.

Third-grader Jameson Miles said that while he liked all events, long jump was his favorite.

“It’s my favorite because I get to jump and play in the sand,” he said.

His love of playing in the sand came through for Jameson when he received the first place ribbon for the event with a jump of 10’3”.

Last modified May 10, 2018