staff photo by rowena plett
A special corner at the entrance to Larry and Judy Klein’s backyard at 303 N. Adams St. in Hillsboro is dedicated to memories of their life spent on the farm. They will be opening their yard for a garden tour from 6 to 8 p.m. Sunday.
Dry, not forgotten
Gardens still will be on tour Sunday
Staff writer
Four Hillsboro gardens, including that of Larry and Judy Klein at 303 N. Adams St. in Hillsboro, will be open for viewing 6 to 8 p.m. June 24 during a garden tour sponsored by Hillsboro Chamber of Commerce.
Nonetheless, hot, dry weather is making it a challenge to keep gardens looking good.
“I don’t know why we signed up for this,” Judy Klein said. “I’m struggling to keep my plants and flowers alive.”
Some plants bloomed earlier than usual and are already done, and some have been developing slowly.
The couple have lived there for three years and worked hard to create an attractive yard.
A spacious, meticulously kept lawn is surrounded by landscaped shrubs and flowers on all sides. A large locust tree provides shade. The south side of the yard has a tall wooden fence, providing an attractive backdrop.
Larry built several large wooden planters to add variety to the landscape.
A lighted pergola is a special feature. Hanging plants line its perimeter.
The Voths are retired farmers, and one corner has been set aside to display antique items, such as tubs and tools, against a backdrop of barn wood.
“We love gardening, and we just piddle,” Judy said.
The other homes on the tour are owned by Eddie and Connie Weber at 806 W. Grand Ave., and Quentin and Shari Morford at 116 Floral Drive. A drive-by is available at the home of Carrie Smith at 312 W. D St.
A donation of $5 is being suggested for the tour. Infused water and lemonade drinks will be available by donation.
Money raised will go toward establishing a community plaza on N. Main St.