• Last modified 2527 days ago (March 8, 2018)


Downtown water play project making a big ‘splash’

Staff writer

A community splash pad project is gathering momentum.

A Hillsboro Community Foundation initiative, the splash pad fund has $25,000 so far.

The project was the brainchild of Staci Silhan, a Hillsboro native who moved back to town with her family a couple years ago.

Her two children, Thurston and Charlotte, enjoy splash pads so much the family travels to South Hutchinson to enjoy one.

“The splash pads really help kids to stay active,” Silhan said. “It’s a very economical recreation to have.”

After talking with several other Hillsboro residents and finding they also wished for a community splash pad, Silhan decided to pursue the dream.

Not only that, Silhan said, but a splash pad in the downtown area would help draw visitors to spend time and money in town as well.

Targeted for a lot between Norel Farms Bakery and the post office, Silhan said the splash pad would help boost business for retailers.

In Concordia, two restaurants sprung up next to a community splash pad, increasing food sales tax revenue.

The splash pad team has been working with a consultant and viewing designs, possibilities, and costs.

“There are lots of ways we can save money by doing things in stages,” Silhan said.

Their consultants suggested starting the splash pad with a limited number of aboveground components and adding more as money is available.

Hillsboro residents have offered to help with labor when time comes to build the splash pad. That will save money as well, she said.

Bathrooms could be a $10,000 facility.

“I think it’s a great thing to bring people in to Hillsboro,” Silhan said.

Several fundraisers are scheduled for future dates. Donations can be made by mailing checks made out to Hillsboro Community Foundation with “Splash Park” written in the memo line. The mailing address is Hillsboro Community Foundation, Box 273, Hillsboro, KS 67063.

Last modified March 8, 2018