• Last modified 2355 days ago (Aug. 30, 2018)


Donations sought for Lincolnville Octoberfest

Staff writer

Lincolnville’s 32nd annual Octoberfest is approaching and organizers are looking for donations.

Planned is a fun run in the park, breakfast at the community building, entertainment in the park, a parade, games and inflatables, vendors, cornhole games, a pie eating contest, and, for the first time, a pet pageant.

“We always try to add something different,” committee member Barb Kaiser said.

Another new thing this year will be an appetizer contest at the beer garden.

Festival-goers have always brought appetizers to share, but this year, entries will be judged and a prize will be awarded.

Bingo will be a new activity, Kaiser said.

The festival committee is looking for donations of funds or raffle prizes to become part of the event.

Questions can be directed to Cristina Peterson at (785) 561-0144, Kaiser, at (620) 654-7142, or the Lincolnville City Office at (620) 924-5208.

Last modified Aug. 30, 2018