• Last modified 2235 days ago (Dec. 29, 2018)


Developer told to lose his outhouse — or his whole house

Staff writer

An outhouse at a lake house has drawn fire from county authorities.

Garry and Sharlyn Dunnegan, Wichita, had a house built at 8 Horseshoe Rd. complete with a private well and an outhouse. Garry Dunnegan is developer of Saddle Creek Estates subdivision.

The county filed a petition in court Dec. 19 asking a judge to order the outhouse and well removed and the residence be connected to public water and sewer systems, or if not, everything including the residence itself be removed within 90 days.

The petition for injunctive relief, filed by county commissioners and zoning administrator Sharon Omstead, claims the water well and outhouse are in violation of county zoning regulations and sanitary code.

The petition also states no plans were approved and no permit granted for the well and outhouse.

“The property is within the Marion County Lake Improvement District and is eligible to connect to a public water supply and public wastewater systems through the district,” the petition states.

The petition also states the Dunnegans didn’t apply for a certificate of occupancy for the residence, and the Dunnegans should be required to apply for the certificate.

Last modified Dec. 29, 2018