• Last modified 2219 days ago (Jan. 17, 2019)



These deeds were reported last week as recorded by the register of deeds. Property addresses come from appraisal records. Agricultural property descriptions use common road references derived from appraisal records. All are warranty deeds unless otherwise noted.

Board of Marion County Commissioners quitclaim deed to, Christina Stephens, a lot north of 6th St., between Cottonwood St. and Barker St., Florence.

Larry M. and Teresa K. Goodwin to Norma June Clark, 101 N. Church St., Burns.

Marla Shiplet to Travis Eugene Hamm, 530 S. Cedar St., Marion.

Norma J. Wasemiller transfer on death warranty deed to Sidney L. Wasemiller, 2313 Diamond Rd.

Norma J. Wasemiller transfer on death warranty deed to Sidney L. Wasemiller and Sandra L. Poplin, 78.26 acres north of 240th Rd., between Bison and Chisholm Trail Rds.

Michael F. and Judith F. Powers to Michael F. and Judith F. Powers, trustees, 803 S. Roosevelt St., Marion.

Voth Family Revocable Trust, trustee deed to Busenitz Real Estate, LLC, 843 Holly Rd.

John R. and Trisha A. Branson quitclaim deed to Jimmy Shipman, 315 Main St., Florence.

Prairieland Partners, Inc. to PLP/CTI Real Estate, LLC, 829 Roosevelt St. and a lot northeast of Roosevelt and Batt St., Marion.

Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, by power of attorney to Craig and Patricia Magnuson, 406 S. Wilson St., Hillsboro.

Margaret Rose Strauser quitclaim deed to Virgil Dewayne McCarty, 601 Lincoln St., Tampa.

Last modified Jan. 17, 2019