The following deeds were reported as recorded by the office of Marion County Register of Deeds:
Donald A. Klassen and wife to Donald A. Klassen and wife, trustees, WD; Tract 1: N/2 Lot 9, All Lot 10, Blk. 7, Riesen’s Addn., Hillsboro; Tract 2: SE/4, 22-20-1.
Donald A. Klassen and wife to Donald A. Klassen and wife, trustees, WD; Tract 1: N/2 Lot 9, All Lot 10, Blk. 7, Riesen’s Addn., Hillsboro; Tract 2: SE/4, 22-20-1.
Donald Klassen and wife to Donald A. Klassen and wife, trustees, QCD; pt. Lots 8, 9, Blk. 7, Riesen’s Addn., Hillsboro.
Donald Klassen and wife to Donald A. Klassen and wife, trustees, QCD; pt. Lots 8, 9, Blk. 7, Riesen’s Addn., Hillsboro.
Sheriff of Marion County to Tampa State Bank, sheriff’s deed; Tract 1: Lots 2, 4, 6, 8, 15, 17, Blk. 14, Florence; Tract 2: pt. NE/4, 12-21-4.
John Banman et al trustees, by successor, co-trustees to John Banman et al, trustee’s deed; W/2 SW/4, 19-20-1.
Jeffrey A. Benbrook and wife to Christie N. McBride, WD; N/2 Lot 11, all Lot 12, Blk. 81, North Peabody, Peabody.
Dominic D. Sevart and wife to Dominic D. Sevart and wife, QCD; N 12.5’ of Lot 38, all of Lot 40 and the S/2 of Lot 42, Locust Street North, Peabody.
Norman F. Epp and wife to Norman F. Epp and wife, trustees, WD; Lot 9, Blk. 1, Prieb’s Addn., Hillsboro; N/2 SE/4, 18-19-1.
Russell O. Abrahams and wife to Russell O Abrahams and wife, co-trustees, QCD; SE/4 NE/4, 29-21-1 exc.
Amy B. Peace to Bartholomew M. Peace, QCD; Tract 1: E 25’ Lot 5, all Lot 6, Zeller’s Second Subdivision and E 25’ Lot 7 and all Lot 6, Echo Lane Subdivision; Tract 2: Lot 4 and W/2 Lot 5, Zeller’s Second Subdivision and W/2 Lot 7 and all Lot 8, Echo Lane Subdivision.
Victoria M.P. Zell Living Trust to Eugene R. Schade et al, QCD; Lots 10, 11, Blk. 1, Meehan’s Addn., Tampa.