• Last modified 1811 days ago (Feb. 27, 2020)



These deeds were reported last week as recorded by the register of deeds. Property addresses come from appraisal records. Agricultural property descriptions use common road references derived from appraisal records. All are warranty deeds unless otherwise noted.

Melissa R. Johnson, also known as Melisa R. Johnson, to Jacob Johnson, 304 N. Birch St., Hillsboro.

Darren Mehl and Dana Stallwitz to Joseph John Charles Goering, 158.71 acres northwest of 180th and Wagonwheel Rds.

In two separate transactions, Lewis and Loretta Gray and Ernest and Lou Ann Gray, warranty deed, and Douglas E. Gray, trustee, trustee deed, to Jarrod D. and Jennifer L. Gaines, 156.69 acres northwest of 50th and Quail Creek Rds.

Marilee K. McGinness, trustee, trustee deed to David W. and Marilee K. McGinness family trust, two lots west of Pawnee Rd., between 130th and 140th Rds.; a lot south of 140th Rd., between Pawnee and Old Mill Rds.; 74 acres west of Pawnee Rd., between 140th and 150th Rds., and 167.5 acres west of Pawnee Rd., between 130th and 140th Rds.

Secretary of Housing and Urban Development to Kevin C. Chapin, 504 S. Lincoln St., Hillsboro.

James Patrick and Sacha Lee Chavez to Pagoda Fox and Co., LLC, 312 N., Main St., Hillsboro, 313 S. 1st St., Marion, 646 N. Cedar St., Marion, and 104 S. Wilson St., Hillsboro.

Daniel and Cheryl Tucker to Michael P Smolik, 1695 Eagle Rd.

Annie Britton to Letitia Emily Warner, 202 W. 8th St., Florence.

Last modified Feb. 27, 2020