• Last modified 2346 days ago (Sept. 5, 2018)



These deeds were reported last week as recorded by the register of deeds. Property addresses come from appraisal records. Agricultural property descriptions use common road references derived from appraisal records. All are warranty deeds unless otherwise noted.

City of Marion to Marty W. Highsmith, 3 spaces at Marion City Cemetery.

City of Marion to Dennis W. Highsmith, 3 spaces at Marion City Cemetery.

City of Marion to Alan L. Coxen, 2 spaces at Marion City Cemetery.

Four Pack, LLC to Six Pack LLC, 222 E. Main St., Marion.

Douglas K. and Vickie L. Huxman to Douglas K. and Vickie L. Huxman, co-trustees, 201 W. Juniper St., Hillsboro

Marlin R. Thiessen, trustee, and Diana L. Thiessen, trustee, to Marlin R. Thiessen and Diana L. Thiessen Joint Revocable Trust, 622.08 acres, all section southeast of Sunflower and 70th Rds.

Vincent D. and Julie M. Jantz to Kirk and Michelle Ward, 79.94 acres, 665 340th Rd.

In two transactions, Deloris A. Schmidt, trustee, trustee deed to Deloris A. Schmidt; and Deloris A. Schmidt and Donavon A. Schmidt to Deloris A. Schimidt, trustee, 39.43 acres south of 120th Rd., between Sunflower and 70th Rds; 39 acres northeast of Diamond and 110th Rds.; 38.21 acres northwest of Diamond and 110th Rds., and 78.3 acres east of Marion/Mcpherson County line, between 130th and 140th Rds.

Rex and Marion Regier to Darren L. Franz, 210 S. Main St., Hillsboro.

Mark V. and Lori L. Tajchman to Wayne J. Tajchman and Amy M. Robinson, 2316 Alfalfa Rd.

Clint and Virgilene Weber to Cristy Miller, 309 W. 8th St., Florence.

Elaine M. and James E. Delk to Marlin E. and Debra D. Buchholz, co-trustees, 161.99 acres east of Marion/Chase county line, between 210th and 220th Rds.

Terry J. and Mary S. Svoboda to Bobby B. and Mary Lou Herren, 417 N. Coble St., Marion.

They Myers Family Trust, trustee deed to Grant Myers and Stacie Myers, 308 N. Madison St., Hillsboro.

Gerald Jost, trustee, and Joan M. Jost, trustee, trustee deed to Gerald and Joan M. Jost, 35.88 acres south of 170th Rd., between Goldenrod and Holly Rd.

Earl E. and Marquette Eilerts Living Trust, trustee deed to Pandea M. Smith, 707 N. Walnut St., Peabody.

Last modified Sept. 5, 2018