• Last modified 2484 days ago (April 26, 2018)



These deeds were reported last week as recorded by the register of deeds. Property addresses come from appraisal records. Agricultural property descriptions use common road references derived from appraisal records. All are warranty deeds unless otherwise noted.

Ray N. Funk Revocable Trust, trustee deed to Brazil Investments, LLC, 807 E. D St., Hillsboro.

Marlene L. and Emory L Goertz, trustees, trustee deed to Marlene L. Goertz, trustee, 72.46 acres southeast of 90th Rd. and Highway 15.

James C. Hess Trust, trustee’s deed to Scott Hess and David Hess, ½ interest each in 2250 Limestone Rd., Hillsboro.

Orval H. and Agnes L. Thiessen, trustees, trustee’s deed to Lance O. and Kaylin R. Thiessen, 67.47 acres southwest of 20th and Remington Rds., and 79.42 acres southwest of 20th and Quail Creek Rds.

Harding J. and Katherine Duerksen to Harding Jerroll and Katherine Marie Duerksen, 80.68 acres southwest of 130th and 30th Rds., and 76.67 acres southwest of 120th and 30th Rds.

Michelle D. Kersten, administrator, administrative deed to Darian Gale Simons and Donna Carmin Wilson-Simons, 1631 Falcon Rd., Hillsboro.

Satchmo Sit, LLC to Conner S. Vancuren and Emily D. Hatton, 112 W. 5th St., Peabody.

Carmen Moses to Bret D. Voth, 225 N. Lincoln St., Marion.

Alan B. and Gloria D. Ash, transfer-on-death warranty deed to Randall A. Ash, Clifton A. Ash, Christina L. Wells, and Nathan D. Ash, 410 N. Lincoln St., Marion.

Last modified April 26, 2018