These deeds were reported as recorded by the office of Marion County register of deeds. Property addresses come from appraisal records. All are warranty deeds unless otherwise noted.
Craig L. and Caryn Albrecht to Eric Albrecht, Andy Albrecht, and Kady Howard, transferrable on death warranty deed; N/2 NW/4 of Section 5, Township 18, Range 5 in Clear Creek Township.
Ronald J. and Brenda G. Bartel to James R. Hefley and Leanna K. Hefley, trustees; W/2 SW/4 of Section 2 of Liberty Township.
James B. and Carol Miesse to Stephen and Michelle Glahn; NE/4 of Section 20, Township 19, Range 4 in Centre Township.
Naomi S. Morris Trust by trustee to Joyce A. Thiessen and James W. Thiessen, co-trustees, trustee’s deed; 302 Briarwood Lane, Hillsboro.
Sheriff of Marion County to Tampa State Bank, sheriff’s deed; lots 4 and 5 except the E 8’ of lot 5, Block 30, Southern Addition, Marion, and part of vacated alley.
Craig T. and Teresa M. Srajer and James A. and Kristine A. Srajer to Craig T. and Teresa M. Srajer; 3535 Nighthawk Rd., Ramona.
Craig T. and Teresa M. Srajer and James A. and Kristine A. Srajer to James A. and Kristine A. Srajer; 3535 Nighthawk Rd., Ramona.
Jerrold Unruh and Jolene Unruh to Jennifer M. Koehn, Melissa J. Koehn, and Monica J. Unruh, transferrable on death warranty deed; lot 8, block 76, North Peabody, Peabody.
Stephen L. Vincent to Melissa L. and Ian Thomson; 208 E. B St., Hillsboro.
Ilene S. Weinbrenner to Ronald J. and Brenda G. Bartel; N/2 N/2 NW/4 of Section 36 and SW/4 SW/4 of Section 26 of Lehigh Township.