The following deeds were reported as recorded by the office of Marion County register of deeds:
Marlin J. Wedel et al to Arthur H. Wedel, warranty deed; N/2 SE/4, 21-22-4.
Esther M. Dwyer, by power of attorney, to Brandon L. Huntley, warranty deed; Lot 12, Block 5, Freeborn’s Addition, Marion, excluding W 87’.
Kevin Fruechting, administrator to Salley Ann Urbanek, quit claim deed; part SW/4 SW/4, 11-18-4.
Tampa State Bank to James Mathias Mies, warranty deed; Lots 2, 4, 6, 8, Block 14, Original Town, Florence.
Harry R. Newell and wife to Edwin L. Grimmett and wife, warranty deed; Lots 9, 10, Block E, Eastshore Subdivision, Marion.
Hillsboro Development Corporation to W. Kirby Rector, trustee, warranty deed; North 115 feet of Lot 8, Block 5, County Clerk’s 6th Hillsboro Plat, Hillsboro.
Lana Fahey NKA Lana Stevenson and husband to Mary Jean Rogers, warranty deed; Lots 7 and 8, Block 3, Willard’s Addition, Marion.
Stephanie L. Ax FKA Stephanie L. Ax Flores to Stephanie L. Ax, quit claim deed; all of Lot 6 and parts of Lots 5, 7, and 8, Block 72, North Peabody, Peabody.
Jerry D. Schroeder and wife to Jerry D. Schroeder and wife, trustees, quit claim deed; part E/2 NW/4, 5-21-1.