• Last modified 4818 days ago (Dec. 15, 2011)



These deeds were reported as recorded by the office of Marion County Register of Deeds:

Irene Forkner to Shirley Lane, quit claim deed, lot 1, NE2 lot 2, block 3, Ehrlich addition, Lehigh.

G. Craig and Rebeacca L. Lynch to Rex and Marion Regier, warranty deed, lots 17, 18, block 2, original town, Hillsboro.

S. Warren Weibert, co-executor and Sheryl White, co-executor to Katherine J. Defillipis, executors deed, lot 2, block 7, County Clerk’s Seventh, Hillsboro.

Brodie Farms, LLC to Gregory K. Washmon, warranty deed, NE4 33/19/01 Exc Row 37 24.

John Swarm to Rickie C. and Vickie J. Turner, quit claim deed, pt block 37, original town, Florence & W 3.11’ lot 24, original town, Florence.

Rollind E. and Melissa A. Bartel to Rollind E. and Melissa A. Bartel, warranty deed, Pt W2 NE4 26/19/02.

Mary Ann and Harold R. Bergen to Kenneth M. and Sharon M. Chase, warranty deed, SW4 16/17/02 Exc Row.

Margaret C. Kohman Revocable Trust, By Trustee to Kenneth M. and Sharon M. Chase, trustee deeds, SW4 16/17/02 Exc Row.

Donald D. Kohman Revocable Trust, By Trustee to Kenneth M. and Sharon M. Chase, trustee deeds, SW4 16/17/02 Exc Row.

Bertha G. Zogelman to Stefan D. Tera M. Busenitz, warranty deed, E2 NW4 12/22/04.

Jeffrey J. Stasch to Carrie J. Stasch, quit claim deed, lot 11, block B, Eastshore Development, Marion County.

Jason R. and Kelli J. Burke to Michaela A. Wynn, warranty deed, lot 35, Maple St. North, Peabody.

City of Hillsboro to Edmund Robert Grothe Trust, warranty deed, S 35’ lot 12, all lot 13, N2 lot 14, block 9, Beebe’s addition, Hillsboro.

Norman L. Funk to Norman L. Funk, Trustee, quit claim deed, E2 SE4 30/19/03 Exc Row.

Edward P. Vinduska to Edward P. Vinduska, Trustee, warranty deed, und ½ interest pt. SW4 21/18/03.

Last modified Dec. 15, 2011