• Last modified 5897 days ago (Dec. 30, 2008)


Jan. 28, 1999

Virginia Skinner, DVM, local veterinarian from Peabody, will be featured on “Animals and Us,” Channel 8, KPTS at 7:30 on Thursday, Jan. 28.

Krystal Turner of Florence visited with LaVonne Monday afternoon.

A pizza supper was held at Indian Guide on Friday night. They ended the supper with birthday cake honoring Sarah Albright and Waunetta Scrivner.

dec. 29, 1983

Christmas dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Seibel were their children and mothers.

Bob Brown was a Christmas guest in the Evan Yoder home.

The Up to the Minute EHU met on Dec. 6 at the home of Patti Gaines. The meeting was presided over by Maude Gaines, president.

Dec. 25, 1958

A piano, presented as a gift to the Methodist Church by Mrs. A.G. Burton, was dedicated Sunday morning in the church parlors following the regular Sunday services. The instrument is an Everett. Mrs. Willard Jewell played a medley of Christmas carols.

The living Christmas tree on the Hoch place 4 miles west of Peabody is ablaze with Christmas lights again this year.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Graham left Monday morning for California to spend the holidays with his three sons.

dec. 3, 1908

Call the Hay Man, 1405, and make the cow and horse glad. Car lots a specialty.

William Slaymaker and Archie Irvin attended the Kansas-Missouri football game at Kansas City Thanksgiving.

Art Kepple went to Kansas City last week to see the sights.

Nov. 22, 1883

Mrs. Waterman, an old lady of 80, died the other day. She had just come from the east to visit her daughter, Mrs. Hale.

Miss E.I. Disney, sister of our dentist, is here from Ohio for a visit.

Mr. Parker of Detroit, Michigan is in our city visiting his uncle, F.H. Hopkins.

Last modified Dec. 30, 2008