• Last modified 6023 days ago (Aug. 27, 2008)


oct. 1, 1998

Michele Rene Janzen and Jermey Todd Gossen were united in a double ring ceremony on July 18, 1998.

For the first time in the history of the Kansas State University marching band, members were selected by auditions because of the high interest in joining the band. Two students selected from Peabody were Drek Klingberg, sophomore trombone player and Donnie Lemley, junior trumpet player.

Georgia Ann Schmidt of Peabody has been recently reelected to a second term on the Northview Developmental Services board of directors.

aug. 25, 1983

Rev. Everett W. Freeman of Hutchinson died this last Friday morning, Aug. 19. He was 93. Rev. Freeman served the Peabody Methodist Church several years over half a century ago and until just a few years ago has been called upon as guest minister on special occasion.

Colorful area citizen Kent Green died over a weekend while visiting in Texas.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Unruh returned from a week spent in Portland, Ore.

aug. 7, 1953

A “stag party” honoring Wayne Windsor was held at the Darrell Gregory home Friday evening following the rehearsal of the Lackey-Windsor wedding party.

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Stutzman left Tuesday for a vacation of a week or 10 days to western Colorado and will visit with Donnell Stutzman at Denver on the return trip.

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Porter and daughter, Lisa, and Mr. and Mrs. E.A. Porter returned home Monday from a two-week vacation trip.

aug. 22, 1908

Florence has a steam plow that is plowing 30 acres a day. It takes two men to run it.

Another good rain Friday night saved the corn again.

Charley Gray and family, who have been visiting his parents, Mr. Gray and wife, leave today for their home in Moberly, Mo.

july 19, 1883

Mr. J.E. Tressler started Saturday for Carthage, Mo., where his presence was needed to adjust some matters at the college there, he being president of the board of trustees. He will return soon.

Mrs. W.H. Morgan went to Marion yesterday to attend the musical institute.

One hundred seventy-five head of sound sheep at public auction Saturday by W.F. Wakefield.

Last modified Aug. 27, 2008