• Last modified 5749 days ago (May 28, 2009)


july 1, 1999

Louise Mathews of Peabody was among 3,820 graduates to receive a degree from Johnson & Wales University of Providence, R.I. She received an associate degree in science and majored in computerized drafting. She is the wife of Dennis Matthews and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gibbs, all of Peabody.

A sing-along was held Monday night in the activity room of Indian Guide. Twelve residents attended. The residents are pleased Sara Pohlman is giving her time to play the piano for them while Elsie Foth is recuperating with a broken arm.

Mr. and Mrs. Ken Woods of Ottawa and Mrs. Dan Lembrat and children of Indianapolis were weekend visitors of Mrs. Harry Scrivner.

may 31, 1984

A new old clock is the latest decoration in the small park being developed by Peabody State Bank on the former Masonic Building site. This clock is a piece of Peabody history having once stood on the main street in front of Stroud Jewelry Store.

Four students from Peabody were among 1,160 awarded “scholarship honors” for performing in the spring semester at a university. They were senior John Dyck, junior Kent Leppke, and sophomores Scott Entz and Royce Schmidt.

Damage done by vandals in the old Gard Cemetery was taken in hand by a group of volunteer workers last Monday. With a tractor, loaders, tools, and cement, men reset tombstones and sealed them to their bases. A special effort was made to clean the area before Memorial Day. Cemetery space was donated years ago by pioneer landowner Francis Gard. Family names on cemetery stones include Ollenberger, Winkley, Finch, Roberts, Welsh, and Ewert.

May 28, 1959

Melvin Burdorf came from Jefferson City, Mo., last week to spend several days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Burdorf. He left Sunday for Fort Leonard Wood, Mo., to start basic army training.

To avoid an epidemic of polio this summer, Dr. James M. Mott, director of Kansas State Board of Health, is urging the public who has never had polio inoculations to get their initial shots before July 15.

Jerry Foth was admitted May 10 to Grace Hospital in Hutchinson for surgery.

Mrs. Don Pierce gave a book review, “A Long Way from Europe,” by Mary Margaret McBride, for the UDS Club.

April 29, 1909

The Aulne Bank received its charter last week.

O’Clerk of Great Bend opened an air shooting gallery here last Friday.

S.T. Come was downtown Saturday, the first time since falling off J.G. Pond’s house four weeks ago. He is gaining rapidly and expects to be able to work in a week or so.

May 1, 1884

On Saturday, the 12th, before the probate judge at Marion, Mrs. Maggie Goodwin was adjudged insane and on the following Tuesday was sent to the state asylum at Topeka.

Thunder scared Charles Buck Monday and how fast he ran home!!

Lawyer Hamilton’s cottage is nearly complete.

The cutest little dog in town is one belonging to Mrs. J.H. Morse. It is eight inches high and said to be full grown.

The post office will be open from 10-11 o’clock on Sundays — don’t wait until 12 to get your mail.

Last modified May 28, 2009